fight club
- 网络搏击俱乐部;搏击会;斗阵俱乐部

On October 15th , 1999 , the film Fight Club was released .
The film features one of the protagonists3 , Tyler Durden ( Brad Pitt ) telling the men looking to join the fight club : “ You are not special . You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake . ”
I mean I want to be in your fight club .
She 's already started working on her article about the fight club .
Second rule of Fight Club , you DO NOT talk about Fight Club .
The first rule of Fight Club is you don 't talk about Fight Club .
To hear you tell it , you were part of an underground baby fight club .
We located the fight club , as you instructed .
The fight club the athletics in MMORPG athletics and games
Tyler : Shut up ! Which means a lot of you have been breaking the first two rules of Fight Club .
Fight Club actor Brad Pitt manages to make the goatee look suave 。
Fight Club is a 1999 American film based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk .
When Fight Club was released , it was debated fiercely by critics because of its violence .
In 2007 , the magazine " Total Film " ranked Fight Club as " the greatest film of our lifetime . "
Man , I see in Fight Club , the strongest and smartest men who 've ever lived . I see all this potential .
A story will start a FBI agent who chases a Shaolin monk into the underground martial arts fight club scene .
The third rule of fight club , someone yells stop , goes limp , taps out , the fight is over .
He forms a " fight club " with soap maker Tyler Durden , played by Pitt .
Karate Kid meets Fight Club in this black-belt black comedy written and directed by Riley Stearns .
If fruit flies could talk , that 's probably how they would call bouts in the Fruit Fly Fight Club in Edward Kravitz 's lab at Harvard University .
It 's like Brad Pitt says in Fight Club : too often , we 're " working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don 't need . "
The " Fight Club " and " Moneyball " actor used to don a chicken suit for the El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant franchise .
The brawny giraffe could have come straight out of Fight Club , as he shows off his muscular neck in a profile shot at sundown at the Pongola Game Reserve .
The Fight Club actor , 54 , sadly lost the bidding battle , which opened at $ 20000 ( 15000 ) , to an unknown attendee at the star-studded occasion .
The Fight Club star will see the minor children in London , where Jolie is renting a house , for 10 days in mid-June where he can spend time with one or two of them for four hours per day .
They also put a sign up on the front door with the words ' Fight Club ' written on it , referring to the hit book and movie in which characters are told not to talk about what they were doing .
In the same year , Premiere selected Tyler Durden 's line : " The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club , " as the 27th greatest movie line of all time .
We may not have the same money as Manchester United or Chelsea , but on the pitch , we have the players who will fight for the club .